MN DNR Conservation Officer
Weekly CO report
District 1 – Baudette area
Last updated: 2024-09-03
CO Ben Huener (Roseau) continued field training with COC Calli Oberg. They checked bear baits throughout the area as well as anglers on the Rainy River and Lake of the Woods. A busy Labor Day weekend saw enforcement action for bear-hunting, waterfowl-hunting, ATV, boating, and angling activities. Enforcement action was taken for ATV operators operating in a prohibited area, angling without a license, baiting for bear without a license, hunting with an unplugged shotgun, and horsepower restrictions at the Roseau River Wildlife Management Area.
CO Tony Hams (Warroad North) spent the week checking area bear baits, following up on various complaints, and working the DNR booth at the State Fair.
CO Coby Fontes (Warroad South) reports the beginning of the goose season was busy and successful for area hunters, with numerous groups bagging their limit. Enforcement action was taken for using an unplugged shotgun, using lead ammunition, and taking a mallard out of season. Enforcement action was also taken against an angler who was in possession of too many walleyes.
CO Nicholas Prachar (Baudette West) received numerous nuisance-bear calls and followed up on bear cases prior to bear opener. Time was spent working at the State Fair.
CO Jeremy Woinarowicz (Thief River Falls West) worked the bear, teal, dove, and early goose openers. Success was moderate to good. Enforcement action for the week included unplugged shotgun, no angling license, no ATV registration, juvenile ATV passengers without helmets, leaving equipment unattended overnight in a WMA, and bear bait violations.
CO Sarah Jahn (Thief River Falls East) worked the opener of the teal, September goose and bear season. Enforcement action was taken for cameras on WMAs, use of non-biodegradable bait, failure to secure bait barrels, and a juvenile without a helmet in a Class I ATV. A big-game case was also started.
CO Nick Bruesewitz (Karlstad) spent the week patrolling area WMAs for bear-baiting activity. Enforcement action was taken for no license in possession, hunter harassment, and operating an unregistered ATV.
CO Brice Vollbrecht (Blackduck North) started field training with COC Mooers. They spent time monitoring angling activity on Blackduck-area lakes and Upper Red Lake. They checked bear bait stations and early goose season hunters. Most crops are still standing and few geese in the area made for a slow opener. Time was spent patrolling ATV trails and roads for ATV activity. Several violations were detected, and adults are reminded to have youth passengers wearing helmets.
Baudette East vacant.
Blackduck South vacant.
Weekly CO report
District 2 – Bemidji area
Last updated: 2024-09-03
CO Tom Hutchins (Crookston) reports attending a firearms safety class in Crookston. Early teal and dove hunters were checked. Anglers and ATV operators were contacted throughout the week. Various angling, ATV, and hunting related violations were encountered.
CO Andrew Ladzinski (Bemidji #1) spent time patrolling local lakes as the summer winds down. Calls were fielded about a commercial vehicle left unattended at a public water access. Time was spent preparing for the upcoming waterfowl-, small-game, and big-game-hunting seasons. Enforcement action was taken for no license in possession, missing watercraft safety equipment, and taking northern pike within the protected slot limit.
CO Andrew Goodman (Perham) welcomed the start of fall hunting activities by checking goose, teal, and dove hunters. Few birds were bagged but one young hunter retrieved a banded goose. Additional time was spent patrolling lakes during the holiday weekend.
CO Jake Swedberg (Detroit Lakes) spent the week checking anglers and boaters on area lakes. Swedberg also spent time checking teal hunters. Teal numbers are good, and most hunters had plenty of shooting opportunities, but some still have some rust to knock off before the regular migratory waterfowl opener.
CO Jordan Anderson (Osage) reports continued bear-baiting activity as the bear opener begins. Anderson and COC Bobby Stringer attended the State Fair and worked the information booth. Enforcement action for the week included warnings for operating a personal watercraft within 150 feet of an anchored boat and shoreline, no visible registration on watercraft, and multiple ATV violations.
CO William Landmark (Moorhead) worked with COC Jepson. The officers patrolled for early teal, goose, and wild ricing activity. The number of early teal and goose hunters was lower than in previous years, with success rates generally poor. Calls from the public included regulation questions and reports of injured wild animals. Enforcement action was taken for failure to report the taking of a nuisance animal within 24 hours, taking waterfowl before legal shooting hours, failing to make a reasonable effort to retrieve a waterfowl, taking waterfowl other than teal, unplugged shotgun, and no PFD in duck boat.
CO Angie Warren (Mahnomen) spent time on angling and boating activity. AIS inspections were conducted, and information provided. Trails were patrolled for ATV and off-road vehicle activity. State forest lands and wildlife management areas were worked for bear-baiting activity. Follow up on open cases was conducted. Assistance was provided to the State Patrol with an injury crash.
CO Brady Manteufel (Bagley) checked area bear baits this week and patrolled for bear-hunting activity, goose- and teal-hunting activity, and ATV activity. Several nuisance-bear tags were filled at sites with crop damage during the past week. ATV-related violations encountered were no helmets on youth, including juveniles riding in the back cargo box of a side-by-side, no lights on, and no registration displayed.
CO Jamus Veit (Bemidji #2) assisted at the Minnesota State Fair with a security detail. Additional time was spent working the teal and bear openers, and monitoring ATV activity and wild rice harvesting. Enforcement action was taken for abandoned property in a WMA, operating an ATV in a WMA, use of a drum for bait without paying the surcharge, taking small game without a license, and other ATV-related violations.
Pelican Rapids vacant.
Weekly CO report
District 3 – Fergus Falls area
Last updated: 2024-09-03
CO Tricia Plautz (Henning) worked anglers, boaters, and bear, early goose, and teal hunters throughout the week. Many people had success and were out enjoying the holiday weekend. ATV activity was monitored, and a Wetlands Conservation Act violation was handled.
CO Ryan Brown (Elbow Lake) reports checking angling and boating activity throughout the week. He also worked a security detail at the State Fair. Lower numbers of hunters were observed during the teal opener than in previous years. The hunters who did get out had great success.
CO Shane Osborne (Evansville) checked waterfowl hunters, boaters, anglers, and ATV riders. Another aquatic plant removal violation was received and investigated, with the landowner hiring a backhoe operator to excavate large sections of cattails without a permit.
CO Jake Homan (Alexandria) spent the week patrolling Douglas County. Time was spent checking anglers and boaters on area lakes. Early goose hunters, teal hunters, and dove hunters were also checked in the field. Enforcement action was taken for a variety of violations.
CO Felicia Znajda (Osakis) conducted checks on anglers, who are still having a good bite even though the summer is coming to an end. She checked numerous waterfowl hunters on the early opener. Dogs-chasing-deer cases were investigated. Violations encountered included no small-game license, no state stamp, and camping on a WMA.
CO Emily Douvier (Morris) worked on a background investigation and monitored hunting activity for the early teal and goose seasons. Overall compliance was high with some teal harvested, although numbers seem lower than previous years.
CO Daniel Baumbarger (Glenwood) reports enforcement efforts for the week were focused on checking anglers, boaters, and ATV operators. Additional time was spent checking teal, goose, and dove hunters over the Labor Day weekend. Complaints of illegal shoreline work were investigated.
Wheaton vacant.
Weekly CO report
District 4 – Walker area
Last updated: 2024-09-03
CO Nick Baum (Park Rapids) patrolled the area for waterfowl and bear hunters, as well as ATV and off-highway motorcycle traffic. Baum conducted inspections of local taxidermy businesses. He finalized details for a firearms safety class that?s set for Oct. 18. Baum worked the DNR information booth at the Minnesota State Fair. Baum took enforcement action for various violations.
CO Michael Cross (Lake George) worked migratory waterfowl, bear-hunting, boating, fishing, and off-highway vehicle enforcement. A pre-employment background investigation was concluded. Cross saw good success during the early teal season and on the bear opener. Enforcement action was taken for ATV violations, boating violations, and bear-hunting violations.
CO Corey Sura (Remer) checked wild rice harvesters, anglers, and teal and bear hunters throughout the week and holiday weekend. Teal hunters had moderate success despite there being seemingly fewer teal in the area compared to last year?s opener.
CO Jacque Johnson (Longville) worked at the DNR booth at the State Fair. Enforcement action was taken for fishing without a license, illegal-length fish, and no life jacket.
CO Landyn Saewert (Wadena) reports working a busy Labor Day weekend. Time was spent enforcing ATV-riding activity, wild ricing, bear baiting, and the early teal/goose season. Local teal and goose hunters had some success during the early season hunt. Enforcement action for the week included leaving property overnight on a WMA, operating an unregistered watercraft, hunting migratory birds with a shotgun capable of holding more than three rounds, and trespassing.
CO Patrick McGowan (Walker) worked Leech Lake for boating and angling activity as well as the start of the early teal and goose seasons. McGowan continues to field train a new conservation officer candidate from the past Academy. Area lakes were very busy over the holiday weekend. Enforcement action was taken for numerous boating and angling violations.
CO Mark Mathy (Cass Lake) worked a busy holiday weekend. Bear season opened and many hunters were successful. Mathy also spent time completing a background investigation of a conservation officer applicant. Enforcement action was taken for angling, boating, ATV, burning, and bear-hunting violations.
ATV rec officer vacant.