Paddlefish Snagging Season Opens May 1
North Dakota’s paddlefish season opens May 1, and is scheduled to continue through May 21. However, depending on the overall harvest, an early in-season closure may occur with a 24-hour notice issued by the state Game and Fish Department.
Paddlefish tags are available for purchase online at the Game and Fish website,, at license vendors, and during business hours at Game and Fish Department offices in Bismarck, Dickinson, Jamestown, Devils Lake, Lonetree (Harvey) and Williston. Snaggers buying tags online have the option to have the tag mailed or can stop at a district office and pick it up during business hours. Those purchasing a tag at a vendor or having it mailed should plan accordingly and allow for a few days for delivery.
All paddlefish snaggers must possess a paddlefish tag, in addition to a valid fishing license for anyone 16 and older. Cost of a paddlefish tag is $10 for residents and $25.50 for nonresidents. Lost or destroyed tags will not be replaced.
The Game and Fish Department will allow camping during the open paddlefish season at Lewis and Clark Wildlife Management Area Pumphouse and at Neu’s Point WMA. However, no roads or gates will be open at Neu’s Point, therefore camping is allowed in the small Neu’s Point parking lot, and the rest of the WMA for walk-in access. All other WMA regulations apply. Outdoor enthusiasts are urged to be aware of the current fire index.
For more information on the paddlefish snagging season, snaggers should refer to the Game and Fish website.